School Visits Galore!
I’ve spent the past two and a half months visiting schools in both Michigan and Ohio, talking about writing Between the Lines and the writing process. The visits have been invigorating, to say the least, and I always arrive home inspired to write more. Kids are absolutely amazing! They impress me with their questions, “If a NY publishing house offered you a million dollars but stipulated that this would be the last book you could write, would you take the money, or keep on writing?” That particular student should consider becoming a journalist, but I’m sure whatever he decides, he will be successful.
Allen Elementary Students #friendshipiscolorblind
Teachers who have hammered home my message, #friendshipiscolorblind by having students write to me about my visit, have also impressed me with their dedication to not only teach academics, but foster values with their students and create citizens who are inspired to make the world a better place.
I’ve had the opportunity to speak to over 3,500 students so far, and am a bit sad that this school year has come to an end. I have to wait an entire summer to return to the classroom. While I’ve already booked some visits in September, I’m anxious to schedule visits throughout the 2015-2016 school year, so feel free to contact me if you are teach 4th-8th grade. I have referrals for those of you who would like them, as well as a complete packet of information on my presentation.
Feel free to contact me through my website or at for more information! Have a wonderful, safe summer!